December 2022

Not really a great job posting’ Musk says he’s looking for a new Twitter CEO

Interviewer 1 (00:00:00) Calling all gluttons for punishment, Elon Musk tweeting that he’s actively searching for a new Twitter CEO—a position that he’s repeatedly said was virtually unfillable. The star search is of great concern to Tesla shareholders, of course, alarmed by the stocks’ stunning fall from grace down 8% Tuesday and 60% year-to-date, thanks in part to Twitter-related risk. […]

Not really a great job posting’ Musk says he’s looking for a new Twitter CEO Read More »

Analyzing survey data

Analyzing survey data like a pro to fetch the best insights

Importance of consumer or product reviews and how to evaluate them. Survey data brings organizations closer to their audience’s preferences and needs. It helps decode what customers like and dislike and their pain points and demands. But, analyzing survey data is a complicated process. Here, we will explain everything in simple terms. So, let’s get

Analyzing survey data like a pro to fetch the best insights Read More »

Ukraine Defense Minister

Defense Minister says Ukraine is preparing for possible Russian invasion from Belarus

Erin Burnett (00:00:00) Will Ripley begins our coverage Outfront live in Kyiv tonight. Will, there are a lot of things happening. You traveled north to Ukraine’s border with Belarus, where Russia is once again assembling troops tonight. What did you find? Will Ripley (00:00:17) You know, to say there are a lot of things happening is such

Defense Minister says Ukraine is preparing for possible Russian invasion from Belarus Read More »

GOP blaming Trump

Hear what Graham said about GOP blaming Trump for party losses transcript

Interviewee (00:00:00) We can never let Donald Trump let us get to this spot again. We’ve got two years to get our act together. We have to coalesce around the fact that we want to win the White House in 2024 and it’s going to take a serious-minded, policy-minded individual that truly wants to be a leader, not just to win a

Hear what Graham said about GOP blaming Trump for party losses transcript Read More »

Church Sermon Recordings

How to Get Transcripts of Church Sermon Recordings

How to transcribe church sermon recordings, and why? Many things are changing with the pandemic taking over and the booming rise of digital platforms. With churches closed or limiting in-person attendance, many congregations have now turned to online platforms to deliver sermons. It has also made sermons, a valuable resource for study and reflection, more

How to Get Transcripts of Church Sermon Recordings Read More »

Tucker Carlson The Real criminals are Getting Richer

Tucker Carlson (00:00:00) Good evening and welcome to Tucker Carlson. So we’re going to start with a quiz. What do you have when you find Sam Bankman-Fried, Janet Yellen and President Zelenskyy of Ukraine all together in one room? A federal grand jury proceeding? That would be a good guess. Sam Bankman-Fried seems to have committed the biggest financial fraud in history. As

Tucker Carlson The Real criminals are Getting Richer Read More »

How can I decide if I need human or automatic transcription

How to Decide if You Need Human or Automatic Transcription?

If you use transcription services, first, you must decide whether you need human or automatic transcription or a combination of both. If you are confused between these two transcriptions, then you are in the right place. We will first develop a thorough understanding of both transcription methods. Then, we will analyze the right approach to

How to Decide if You Need Human or Automatic Transcription? Read More »