Submitting your recordings: Automatic, Manual, and Both

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Basis on the need, budget, workflow, and urgency, the user can choose between Automatic, Manual and Both. The table below provides a detailed description and difference between the three options.

Feature Automated Manual Both
Type Automatic generated draft Manually transcribed by expert transcriptionists Automatic generated draft with edits made by our expert transcriptionists
Cost $0.25 per audio minute $1.25 per audio minute $1.50 per audio minute
TAT Within 30 minutes 5, 3 and 1 business day as per request Automatic generated draft within 30 minutes. Manually edited transcript in 5, 3 and 1 business day as per request.
Accuracy Entirely dependent on several factors such as audio quality, number of speakers, and background noise. As accurate as humanly possible or 99% accurate The automatic generated first draft will be overwritten by our 99% accurate manually transcribed version.
Timestamps No Yes Yes
Verbatim Yes Yes and No (option to choose) Yes
PII redaction No Yes Yes
Pros Transcript is generated instantly Highly accurate transcript. The order can be customized as per need Best of both worlds
Cons Quality is not guaranteed Slower compared to automated

What is the best option for me?

In case the above confuses you, we recommend keeping the default values while creating the order which is Manual + 5 business days + Timestamps.

99% of our customers choose and are satisfied with this combination!

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