Qualitative and Quantitative Analytics: A Comparison

Qualitative and Quantitative Analytics

Qualitative and qualitative are two critical analysis and research techniques. They are crucial in defining data trends or patterns and getting meaningful outlooks. They find uses together, but they are poles apart. How? We will explore all the hows and whys in following sections:

First, let’s find out what quantitative or qualitative analytics exactly are:

What is qualitative analytics?

Qualitative analytics is a credible analysis methodology to evaluate meanings, discussions, and human interactions. It focuses on critical descriptions rather than just quantifiable values. It explores how, why, what, when, and many other data aspects.
Qualitative analytics studies theoretical and hypothetical data and may not derive conclusions. It is an elaborative and definitive mode of analysis. Qualitative analysis recovers around non-computable and non-representative data samples.

Major differences between quantitative and qualitative analytics:

Based on the analysis:

The basis of qualitative analysis is subjective. It interprets and understands personal opinions, interactions, views, and emotions.
The objective analysis defines the base of quantitative research. It compresses data into observable, countable, and measurable ways.

According to typical data:

  • Quantitative analytics typical data is descriptive, including interviews, studies, open-ended questions, research papers, questionnaires, etc.
  • The specific data measures in quantitative analytics are measurable. It includes three primary data types: primary, ordinal, and binary. Length, mass, volume, and size are the main characteristics of quantitative data.

Considering the sample size:

The sample size in qualitative analysis is quite small. It includes data in words, impressions, or description formats. Thus, it contains small sample sizes as its interpretation is complex. It is a non-representative of the total population.
On the other hand, quantitative analytics is open to covering an entire population. It can include large sample sizes as it interprets and visualizes data in figures.

Based on the research method:

Qualitative analytics uses experimental research methodology. Exploratory research refers to an in-depth analysis of elements. This approach lacks clear studies or definitions. Exploratory research assists in the precise assessment of challenging and complicated datasets. Let’s take an example to understand better. Experimental research may include an extensive study on Monkeypox. It will assess this study’s problems resulting in knowledge and implications.
Quantitative analytics works on a conclusive research methodology. It assesses numbers and variables to arrive at certain conclusions or decisions. For example, it includes specific statistical surveys or analytical techniques. It processes them and forms conclusions by surveying the numerical information.

Decoding the purposes:

The purpose of qualitative analytics in getting in-depth and detailed information. Quantitative research aims to derive conclusions, hypotheses, and predictions. We explored qualitative and quantitative analytics and their key differences. Let’s now learn a few applications of both:
Applications of qualitative analytics:
  • Processing and interpreting complex business information.
  • Understanding the business trajectories and complicated datasets.
  • Analyzing social interactions and drawing insights from them.
  • Evaluating the target market, trends, and management systems.
  • Assessing the focus groups and survey data.
If you are looking for one perfect end to seek all these qualitative analytics applications in one place then turn to ANT Datagain.
Applications of quantitative analytics:
  • Performing statistical analysis for seamless business administration.
  • Measuring customer experiences, interactions, and feedback.
  • Assessing testing theories & questionnaires.
  • Deriving relations between variables and data.
  • Condensing voluminous data and getting actionable insights from it.

Best tool for quantitative and qualitative research-

Qualitative analytics:
Hotjar, UXCam, SessionCam &ANT by Datagain
Quantitative analytics:
Amplitude, Google Analytics, & ANT by Datagain
Be it Quantitative or Qualitative Analytics; ANT is here for you.
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